Watchman Willie Martin Archive


CHAP. 1.‑‑The blessed and glorious ever‑virgin Mary, sprung from the royal stock and family of David, born in the city of

Nazareth, was brought up at Jerusalem in the temple of the Lord. Her father was named Joachim, and her mother Anna. Her

father's house was from Galilee and the city of Nazareth, but her mother's family from Bethlehem. Their life was guileless and

right before the Lord, and irreproachable and pious before men. For they divided all their substance into three parts. One part

they spent upon the temple and the temple servants; another they distributed to strangers and the poor; the third they reserved,

for themselves and the necessities of their family. Thus, dear to God, kind to men, for about twenty years they lived in their own

house, a chaste married life, without having any children. Nevertheless they vowed that, should the Lord happen to give them

offspring, they would deliver it to the service of the Lord; on which account also they used to visit the temple of the Lord at

each of the feasts during the year.

CHAP. 2.‑‑And it came to pass that the festival of the dedication[1] was at hand; wherefore also Joachim went up to

Jerusalem with some men of his own tribe. Now at that time Issachar[2] was high priest there. And when he saw Joachim with

his offering among his other fellow‑ citizens, he despised him, and spurned his gifts, asking why he, who had no offspring,

presumed to stand among those who had; saying that his gifts could not by any means be acceptable to God, since He had

deemed him unworthy of off‑spring: for the Scripture said, Cursed is every one who has not begot a male or a female in

Israel.[3] He said, therefore, that he ought first to be freed from this curse by the begetting of children; and then, and then only,

that be should come into the presence of the Lord with his offerings. And Joachim, covered with shame from this reproach that

was thrown in his teeth, retired to the shepherds, who were in their pastures with their flocks; nor would he return home, test

perchance he might be branded with the same reproach by those of his own tribe, who were there at the time, and had heard

this from the priest.

CHAP. 3.‑‑Now, when he had been there for some time, on a certain day when he was alone, an angel of the Lord stood by

him in a great light. And when he was disturbed at his appearance, the angel who had appeared to him restrained his fear,

saying: Fear not, Joachim, nor be disturbed by my appearance; for I am the angel of the Lord, sent by Him to thee to tell thee

that thy prayers have been heard, and that thy charitable deeds have gone up into His presence.[4] For He hath seen thy

shame, and hath heard the reproach of unfruitfulness which has been unjustly brought against thee. For God is the avenger of

sin, not of nature: and, therefore, when He shuts up the womb of any one, He does so that He may miraculously open it again;

so that that which is born may be acknowledged to be not of lust, but of the gift of God. For was it not the case that the first

mother of your nation‑‑Sarah‑‑was barren up to her eightieth year?[5] And, nevertheless, in extreme old age she brought forth

Isaac, to whom the promise was renewed of the blessing of all nations. Rachel also, so favoured of the Lord, and so beloved

by holy Jacob, was long barren; and yet she brought forth Joseph, who was not only the lord of Egypt, but the deliverer of

many nations who were ready to perish of hunger. Who among the judges was either stronger than Samson, or more holy than

Samuel? And yet the mothers of both were barren. If, therefore, the reasonableness of my words does not persuade thee,

believe in fact that conceptions very late in life, and births in the case of women that have been barren, are usually attended with

something wonderful. Accordingly thy wife Anna will bring forth a daughter to thee, and thou shall call her name Mary: she shall

be, as you have vowed, consecrated to the Lord from her infancy, and she shall be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from her

mother's womb. She shall neither eat nor drink any unclean thing, nor shall she spend her life among the crowds of the people

without, but in the temple of the Lord, that it may not be possible either to say, or so much as to suspect, any evil concerning

her. Therefore, when she has grown up, just as she herself shall be miraculously born of a barren woman, so in an incomparable

manner she, a virgin, shall bring forth the Son of the Most High, who shall be called Jesus, and who, according to the etymology

of His name, shall be the Saviour of all nations. And this shall be the sign to thee of those things which I announce: When thou

shalt come to the Golden gate in Jerusalem, thou shalt there meet Anna thy wife, who, lately anxious from the delay of thy

return, will then rejoice at the sight of thee. Having thus spoken, the angel departed from him.

CHAP. 4‑‑Thereafter he appeared to Anna his wife, saying: Fear not, Anna, nor think that it is a phantom which thou seest.

For I am that angel who has presented your prayers and alms before God; and now have I been sent to you to announce to

you that thou shalt bring forth a daughter, who shall be called Mary, and who shall be blessed above all women. She, full of the

favour of the Lord even from her birth, shall remain three years in her father's house until she be weaned. Thereafter, being

delivered to the service of the Lord, she shall not depart from the temple until she reach the years of discretion. There, in fine,

serving God day and night in fastings and prayers, she shall abstain from every unclean thing; she shall never know man, but

alone, without example, immaculate, uncorrupted, without intercourse with man, she, a virgin, shall bring forth a son; she, His

hand‑maiden, shall bring forth the Lord‑‑both in grace, and in name, and in work, the Saviour of the world. Wherefore arise,

and go up to Jerusalem; and when thou shalt come to the gate which, because it is plated with gold, is called Golden, there, for

a sign, thou shalt meet thy husband, for whose safety thou hast been anxious. And when these things shall have so happened,

know that what I announce shall without doubt be fulfilled.

CHAP. 5.‑‑Therefore, as the angel had commanded, both of them setting out from the place where they were, went up to

Jerusalem; and when they had come to the place pointed out by the angel's prophecy, there they met each other. Then,

rejoicing at seeing each other, and secure in the certainty of the promised offspring, they gave the thanks due to the Lord, who

exalteth the humble. And so, having worshipped the Lord, they returned home, and awaited in certainty and in gladness the

divine promise. Anna therefore conceived, and brought forth a daughter; and according to the command of the angel, her

parents called her name Mary.

CHAP. 6.‑‑And when the circle of three years had rolled round, and the time of her weaning was fulfilled, they brought the

virgin to the temple of the Lord with offerings. Now there were round the temple, according to the fifteen Psalms of

Degrees,[1] fifteen steps going up; for, on account of the temple having been built on a mountain, the altar of burnt‑offering,

which stood outside, could not be reached except by steps. On one of these, then, her parents placed the little girl, the blessed

virgin Mary. And when they were putting off the clothes which they had worn on the journey, and were putting on, as was

usual, others that were neater and cleaner, the virgin of the Lord went up all the steps, one after the other, without the help of

any one leading her or lifting her, in such a manner that, in this respect at least, you would think that she had already attained full

age. For already the Lord in the infancy of His virgin wrought a great thing, and by the indication of this miracle foreshowed

how great she was to be. Therefore, a sacrifice having been offered according to the custom of the law, and their vow being

perfected, they left the virgin within the enclosures of the temple, there to be educated with the other virgins, and themselves

returned home.

CHAP. 7.‑‑But the virgin of the Lord advanced in age and in virtues; and though, in the words of the Psalmist, her father and

mother had forsaken her, the Lord took her up.[2] For daily was she visited by angels, daily did she enjoy a divine vision,

which preserved her from all evil, and made her to abound in all good. And so she reached her fourteenth year; and not only

were the wicked unable to charge her with anything worthy of reproach, but all the good, who knew her life and conversation,

judged her to be worthy of admiration. Then the high priest publicly announced that the virgins who were publicly settled in the

temple, and had reached this time of life, should return home and get married, according to the custom of the nation and the

ripeness of their years. The others readily obeyed this command; but Mary alone, the virgin of the Lord, answered that she

could not do this, saying both that her parents had devoted her to the service of the Lord, and that, moreover, she herself had

made to the Lord a vow of virginity, which she would never violate by any intercourse with man. And the high priest, being

placed in great perplexity of mind, seeing that neither did he think that the vow should be broken contrary to the Scripture,

which says, Vow and pay,[1] nor did he dare to introduce a custom unknown to the nation, gave order that at the festival,

which was at hand, all the chief persons from Jerusalem and the neighbourhood should be present, in order that from their

advice he might know what was to be done in so doubtful a case. And when this took place, they resolved unanimously that the

Lord should be consulted upon this matter. And when they all bowed themselves in prayer, the high priest went to consult God

in the usual way. Nor had they long to wait: in the hearing of all a voice issued from the oracle and from the mercy‑seat, that,

according to the prophecy of Isaiah, a man should be sought out to whom the virgin ought to be entrusted and espoused. For it

is clear that Isaiah says: A rod shall come forth from the root of Jesse, and a flower shall ascend from his root; and the Spirit of

the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of wisdom and

piety; and he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord.[2] According to this prophecy, therefore, he predicted that all

of the house and family of David that were unmarried and fit for marriage should bring there rods to the altar; and that he whose

rod after it was brought should produce a flower, and upon the end of whose rod the Spirit of the Lord should settle in the form

of a dove, was the man to whom the virgin ought to be entrusted and espoused.

CHAP. 8.‑‑Now there was among the rest Joseph, of the house and family of David, a man of great age: and when all brought

there rods, according to the order, he alone withheld his. Wherefore, when nothing in conformity with the divine voice

appeared, the high priest thought it necessary to consult God a second time; and He answered, that of those who had been

designated, he alone to whom the virgin ought to be espoused had not brought his rod. Joseph, therefore, was found out. For

when he had brought his rod, and the dove came from heaven; and settled upon the top of it, it clearly appeared to all that he

was the man to whom the virgin should be espoused. Therefore, the usual ceremonies of betrothal having been gone through, he

went back to the city of Bethlehem to put his house in order, and to procure things necessary for the marriage. But Mary, the

virgin of the Lord, with seven other virgins of her own age, and who had been weaned at the same time, whom she had

received from the priest, returned to the house of her parents in Galilee.

CHAP. 9.‑‑And in those days, that is, at the time of her first coming into Galilee, the angel Gabriel was sent to her by God, to

announce to her the conception of the Lord, and to explain to her the manner and order of the conception. Accordingly, going

in, he filled the chamber where she was with a great light; and most courteously saluting her, he said: Hail, Mary! O virgin highly

favoured by the Lord, virgin full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou above all women, blessed above all men that

have been hitherto born.[3] And the virgin, who was already well acquainted with angelic faces, and was not unused to the light

from heaven, was neither terrified by the vision of the angel, nor astonished at the greatness of the light, but only perplexed by

his words; and she began to consider of what nature a salutation so unusual could be, or what it could portend, or what end it

could have. And the angel, divinely inspired, taking up this thought, says: Fear not, Mary, as if anything contrary to thy chastity

were hid under this salutation. For in choosing chastity, thou hast found favour with the Lord; and therefore thou, a virgin, shalt

conceive without sin, and shalt bring forth a son. He shall be great, because He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river

even to the ends of the earth;[4] and He shall be called the Son of the Most High, because He who is born on earth in

humiliation, reigns in heaven in exaltation; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David, and He shall reign in

the house of Jacob for ever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end;[5] forasmuch as He is King of kings and Lord of

lords,[6] and His throne is from everlasting to everlasting. The virgin did not doubt these words of the angel; but wishing to

know the manner of it, she answered: How can that come to pass? For while, according to my vow, I never know man, how

can I bring forth without the addition of man's seed? To this the angel says: Think not, Mary, that thou shalt conceive in the

manner of mankind: for without any intercourse with man, thou, a virgin, wilt conceive; thou, a virgin, wilt bring forth; thou, a

virgin, wilt nurse: for the Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee,[7] without

any of the heats of lust; and therefore that which shall be born of thee shall alone be holy, because it alone, being conceived and

born without sin, shall be called the Son of God. Then Mary stretched forth her hands, and raised her eyes to heaven, and said:

Behold the hand‑maiden of the Lord, for I am not worthy of the name of lady; let it be to me according to thy word.

It will be long, and perhaps to some even tedious, if we insert in this little work every thing which we read of as having

preceded or followed the Lord's nativity: wherefore, omitting those things which have been more fully written in the Gospel, let

us come to those which are held to be less worthy of being narrated.

CHAP. 10.‑‑Joseph therefore came from Judaea into Galilee, intending to marry the virgin who had been betrothed to him; for

already three months had elapsed, and it was the beginning of the fourth since she had been betrothed to him. In the meantime,

it was evident from her shape that she was pregnant, nor could she conceal this from Joseph. For in consequence of his being

betrothed to her, coming to her more freely and speaking to her more familiarly, he found out that she was with child. He began

then to be in great doubt and perplexity, because he did not know what was best for him to do. For, being a just man, he was

not willing to expose her; nor, being a pious man, to injure her fair fame by a suspicion of fornication. He came to the

conclusion, therefore, privately to dissolve their contract, and to send her away secretly. And while he thought on these things,

behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, thou son of David, fear not; that is, do not have any

suspicion of fornication in the virgin, or think any evil of her; and fear not to take her as thy wife: for that which is begotten in

her, and which now vexes thy soul, is the work not of man, but of the Holy Spirit. For she alone of all virgins shall bring forth

the Son of God, and thou shalt call His name Jesus, that is, Saviour; for He shall save His people from their sins. Therefore

Joseph, according to the command of the angel, took the virgin as his wife; nevertheless he knew her not, but took care of her,

and kept her in chastity.[1] And now the ninth month from her conception was at hand, when Joseph, taking with him his wife

along with what things he needed, went to Bethlehem, the city from which he came. And it came to pass, while they were there,

that her days were fulfilled that she should bring forth; and she brought forth her first‑born son, as the holy evangelists have

shown, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Son[2] and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns God from everlasting to


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